Whatever your circumstances, we offer you the gift of acceptance. You are not alone anymore. Welcome to Overeaters Anonymous. Welcome home! |
About Meetings
Meetings are gatherings of two or more compulsive eaters who come together to share their experience, strength, and hope gained from the OA program. If you are new to OA, you might ask, “How do I find a meeting?” or “Which meeting should I attend?" or "What can I expect at a meeting?"
It really doesn’t matter which meeting you attend; newcomers are welcome at any meeting. What’s important is just getting to a meeting! Pick a meeting that is convenient, one that fits your schedule and is close to your home or workplace. The Local Meetings page shows times and locations for each meeting. We suggest that you attend five or six different meetings if possible to determine which ones suit you best. Meetings have slightly different formats, and like the members themselves, different meetings have different personalities. Feel free to stay after the meeting to talk to OA members who can answer your questions about the program.
About SponsorshipWhat is Sponsorship? Sponsors are OA members who are living the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions to the best of their ability. They are willing to share their recovery with other members of the Fellowship and are committed to abstinence. Find a sponsor who has what you want and ask that person how he or she is achieving it. A member may work with more than one sponsor and may change sponsors. However, many of us choose to work with just one sponsor. In either case, it’s helpful to avoid changing sponsors frequently. More information is available on the OA Region One Website.
How do I find a sponsor/sponsee? Ideally, we can find sponsors or sponsees in our face-to-face meetings. However, often it is difficult to find a sponsor locally. To help members who are isolated, or in an area that has few members, here is a link to the OA Region One Virtual Sponsorship program. |